We are pleased to welcome you to the website of Alexander Sokurov.
This website represents an attempt to gather and make available information on the creative work of an outstanding Russian cinema director, whose name is associated with the search for a new language in cinema art.

The intention of the creators of this website is not to offer a full or comprehensive picture of Sokurov's activities or achievements, nor to highlight all the many facets of the creative work with which he has engaged — such a goal would be beyond the combined scope of even the extensive critical writings already published or due to appear. Rather we suggest these pages should be seen as a first approach to tracking the pioneering and often painfully wrought trajectory of the course created by the Master.

You will find on this site the director's complete filmography, an article on his creative work, annotations to all his films, information about his group, about the producers and distributors of his films, brief biographical notes, and contacts.

The site contains up-to-date information about the director's new films and his ongoing creative process. The most interesting and original comments on Sokurov's work made by renowned and significant cultural commentators will also be incorporated on the various pages of this website.

The website welcomes visitors whose interest is not primarily in entertainment, but rather in spiritual work. May it be a fitting response to the artist.

Alexandra Tuchinskaya

English translation by Anna Shoulgat.